Vehicle Identification & Specification

Find out more

How can I improve the effectiveness of my used car adverts?

Give potential buyers all the information they need to make their purchasing decision with Glass’s in-depth vehicle specs that help you to create error-free marketing and advertising.

  • Describe and market vehicles with a complete and accurate list of specific features.
  • Use our VIN service to identify sought-after optional extras in an instant.


Our Solutions

  • AutoEdge

    Access all our class-leading services from a single easy-to-use online platform.

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Please note we are unable to respond to requests from private individuals about vehicle valuations.

* Mandatory

Please note that we can offer our products and services to business customers only. A Glass’s employee will contact you personally and explain the Glass’s products and services to you. The processing of your personal data is based on Article 6 paragraph 1 point b) and point f) GDPR as described in the Glass’s Privacy Policy.